Terminalia arjuna Roxb.


Terminalia arjuna Roxb
Bengali Name : Arjun Gach
Chinese Name : San guo mu
English Name : Arjuna Myrobalan, White Murdah
German Name : Arjunbaum
Gujarati Name : Arjun
Hindi Name : Arjuna, Koha
Kannada Name : Matri
Latin name : Terminalia arjuna Roxb.
Marathi Name : Arjun, Arjun Sadra
Punjabi Name : Arjon
Sanskrit Name : Arjuna, Kukubha
Urdu Name : Arjun

The bark of Arjun tree is researched as an anti-ischemic and cardio protective agent useful in hypertension and ischemic heart disease.
A unique herb that helps maintains a healthy heart and reduces the effects of stress and nervousness. Arjun promotes effective cardiac functioning and regulates blood pressure. It improves the blood circulation to the heart and also tones the heart.

Benefits of Arjun :

  • Arjun relieves hypertension (High blood pressure).
  • Arjun reduces the effects of stress and nervousness on the heart.
  • Arjun possesses diuretic and a general tonic outcome in cases of liver cirrhosis.
  • Arjuna or Arjun has prostaglandin enhancing and coronary threat modulating properties.
  • Arjun promotes effective cardiac performance by regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Arjun lowers beta-lipoprotein lipids and the revival of High Density Lipoprotein mechanism in hyperlipidemia.
  • Arjun enhances the taking away of cholesterol by accelerating the turnover of LDL or low density lipoprotein cholesterol in the liver.

Recommended Dosage : 3 to 6 g powder of bark.

Contraindication : This herb has no known warnings or contraindications.

Arjun Gach Arjuna Myrobalan White Murdah Arjunbaum Arjun Arjuna Koha Matri Terminalia arjuna Roxb Arjun Arjon Arjuna Kukubha

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