Semecarpus anacardium Linn.


Arabic Name : Balaadhur, Anaqardhiyaa
Bengali Name : Bhela, Bhelatuki
English Name : Marking Nut, Oriental Cashew Nut
French Name : Anarcardier, Noix a marquer
German Name : Ostindischer Tintenbaum
Gujarati Name : Bhilamo
Hindi Name : Bhilawan, Bhilawa, Bhela
Kannada Name : Gerkaye
Latin name : Semecarpus anacardium Linn.
Marathi Name : Bibba
Persian Name : Habbul Qalb, Baladur, Biladur
Punjabi Name : Bhilawa
Sanskrit Name : Bhallataka, Bhallatamu, Aruskara, Agnimukh
Urdu Name : Baladur, Bhilavan

Description : The detoxified nut is acrid, antiarthritic, antiinflammatory, aphrodisiac, appetiser, astringent, bitter, cardiotonic, carminative, depurative, digestive, emollient, expectorant, febrifuge, liver tonic, nervine tonic, purgative, rejuvenative, stimulant, sweet and thermogenic. It is useful in diseases of the brain, paralysis, polyuria and improves memory and is an aphrodisiac. It is also given to relieve asthmatic attacks, in rheumatism and for the relief of painful joints. It is used with advantage in simple chronic enlargement of spleen without any hepatic complication or fever.

Recommended Dosage : 125 mg powder of detoxified fruit.

Contraindication : The nut has no known warnings or contraindications.

Balaadhur Bhela Bhelatuki Marking Nut Anarcardier Ostindischer Bhilamo Bhilawan Bhilawa Gerkaye Semecarpus anacardium Linn Bibba Habbul Qalb Baladur

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