Piper cubeba Linn.


Piper cubeba Linn
Arabic Name : Kabbaaba, Habb al-’aroos, Kharkoos
Bengali Name : Kababchini, Sugandhmarich
English Name : Cubebs, Tailed-pepper, Java Pepper, False Pepper
French Name : Cubébe, Poivre à queue
German Name : Kubebenpfeffer, Schwanzpfeffer, Stielpfeffer
Gujarati Name : Chankabab, Chinikabab, Tadamiri, Kababchim
Hindi Name : Kababchini, Sheetalchini, Sheetalmirch, Kankol
Kannada Name : Gandhmenasu, Balmenasu
Latin name : Piper cubeba Linn.
Marathi Name : Kankol, Kapurchini, Kankola
Persian Name : Kababah, Kababchini
Punjabi Name : Kababchini, Sardchini
Sanskrit Name : Kankola, Kankolaka
Urdu Name : Kababchini, Kababa

Description : The fruit is analgesic, antiemetic, antiflatulent, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, carminative, demulscent, deobstruent, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant and mildly stimulant. Used as a stimulant to the mucous membrane in diseases of the genitourinary organs such as gonorrhoea, gleet, leucorrhoea and other vaginal discharges of women. As an expectorant it is beneficial in chronic bronchitis and laryngitis. It is also beneficial in thrush, halitosis and fevers.

The paste of the fruit is used externally on male and female genital organs to intensify the sexual pleasure during coitus.

Recommended Dosage : 1 to 3 g powder of dried fruit.

Contraindication : This herb is not recommended during pregnancy or lactation. Avoid in people hypersensitive to piperine. Large doses (many times the recommended dosage) are said to produce headache and dizziness, probably from the augmented cerebral circulation.

Kabbaaba Kababchini Cubebs Java Pepper Kubebenpfeffer Chankabab Kababchini Gandhmenasu Piper cubeba Linn Kankol Kapurchini Kababah Kababchini

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