Lepidium iberis Linn.


Lepidium iberis Linn
Arabic Name : Toodharee, Toodharanj
Chinese Name : Tian zi cao
English Name : Pepper-grass, Pepper-wort
French Name : Poivre-herbe
German Name : Grasblättrige Kresse
Hindi Name : Tudri
Latin name : Lepidium iberis Linn.
Persian Name : Toodaree
Urdu Name : Tudri

Description : Below are Lepidium Iberis (Tudri) Benefits related alternative medicine supplements and vitamins. Also explore information on treatment, health benefits & side effects with Lepidium Iberis (Tudri) Benefits products. Many of the sources come from our Encyclopedia of Natural Health and include relevant health topics. Uses vary, but may include , Restoring Libido, and Increasing Blood Flow and are non-FDA reviewed or approved, natural alternatives, to use for , Dry Skin, and Infertility.

Recommended Dosage : 10 g powder of dried seeds.

Contraindication : This herb has no known warnings or contraindications.

Toodharee Toodharanj Tian zi cao Pepper-grass Pepper-wort Poivre-herbe Grasblättrige Kresse Tudri Lepidium iberis Linn Toodaree Tudri

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