Cucumis melo Linn.


Cucumis melo Linn
Arabic Name : Bateekh, Bateekh Asfar, ‘Abdallaawee, Shamaam
Bengali Name : Kharmuj
Chinese Name : Gua ding, Tian gua zi
English Name : Melon, Muskmelon, Sweet Melon, Cantaloupe
French Name : Cantaloup, Melon Cantaloup
German Name : Zuckermelone, Cantaloupe-Melone
Gujarati Name : Turbuch
Hindi Name : Kharbuza, Kharbuja, Kharbuj
Kannada Name : Kalingada
Kashmiri Name : Kharbuz
Latin name : Cucumis melo Linn.
Marathi Name : Kharbuj, Valuk
Persian Name : Kharpaza
Sanskrit Name : Kalinga, Kharvuja
Urdu Name : Kharbuza

Description : The seeds are antitussive, cooling, demulcent, digestive, diuretic, emetic, expectorant, febrifuge, highly nutritive, stomachic and vermifuge. Beneficial in cases of dyspepsia, painful discharge and suppression of urine. Useful in suppressed post-partum lactation and seminal debility. Also useful in oedema, hepatic congestion and cystitis.

Recommended Dosage : 3 to 6 g powder of dried seeds.

Contraindication : This herb has no known warnings or contraindications.

Bateekh Bateekh Asfar Kharmuj Gua ding Melon Muskmelon Sweet Melon Cantaloup Melon Cantaloup Zuckermelone Cantaloupe-Melone Turbuch Kharbuza Kharbuja Kalingada Cucumis melo Linn Kharbuj Valuk Kalinga Kharvuja Kh

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