Baliospermum montanum (Willd.) Muell.


Baliospermum montanum
Arabic Name : Habbussala
English Name : Red Physic Nut, Wild Castor, Wild Croton
Hindi Name : Danti
Latin name : Baliospermum montanum (Willd.) Muell.
Persian Name : Bedanjire Khatai
Sanskrit Name : Danti

Description : The root is acrid, anodyne, anthelmintic, antiinflammatory, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, febrifuge, pungent, purgative, thermogenic and tonic. It is useful in oedema, flatulence, constipation, jaundice, haemorrhoids, skin diseases, strangury, wounds, splenomegaly, anaemia, leucoderma, fever and vitiated conditions of vata.

Contraindication : This herb has no contraindications.

Habbussala Red Physic Nut Wild Castor Wild Croton Danti Baliospermum montanum Muell Bedanjire Khatai Danti

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